
Wednesday May 15

view Tuesday or Thursday

With chatterbox Mercury boosting your communication until June 3, choose your words and connections wisely during the coming weeks. Nurturing bonds that truly matter will make the process easier. And you never know, an acquaintance you've been chatting with could become your new BFF. Your words hold extra magic now, so be selective about their recipients!

Make the most of financial opportunities? Find out with a Forecaster 12 Months Reading.

Daily Moon Watch

See how the movement of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars influence your every day.

Daily Moon Watch

Forecast Readings

How you advance and progress.

Karma & Healing Destiny

Karma & Healing Destiny

Shapes and influences your future

Learn from Past Lives - Your New Journey Awaits



How you change, grow and develop

Make use of your most positive characteristics during the promising time periods indicated.

Personal 12 Month Forecaster

Personal 12 Month Forecaster

Identify when to make decisions

Spot valuable opportunities: a changing relationship, job, or home. Learn to rely on your choices over the coming months.