
Friday December 20

view Saturday or Sunday

Today's your day to break a routine—but don't expect everyone else to understand or join you. You're primed to blaze through a To-Do list, yet all around you are distractions galore. Just as you hit your stride, life throws a curveball your way. But the Moon and Mercury grant permission to ditch the grind wherever possible, find your freedom and go wild. Maybe one day, that's how we'll all end the week.

Discover the best direction you can take to improve your life, with a Life Destiny Reading.

Daily Moon Watch

See how the movement of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars influence your every day.

Daily Moon Watch

Forecast Readings

How you advance and progress.

Karma & Healing Destiny

Karma & Healing Destiny

Shapes and influences your future

Learn from Past Lives - Your New Journey Awaits



How you change, grow and develop

Make use of your most positive characteristics during the promising time periods indicated.

Personal 12 Month Forecaster

Personal 12 Month Forecaster

Identify when to make decisions

Spot valuable opportunities: a changing relationship, job, or home. Learn to rely on your choices over the coming months.